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You searched for: Index Term is Batoe Titi. We found 1 results. hide search form

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Map: H14

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By de Haan: De monding der rivier Pawan (Sampit, Matang) wester afdeeling van Boerneo, met bij caartje, Tandjong Sambar of Batoe Titie. Zeevaart kundige opname en peilingen.
On the map: Tanjong Poerie, Tanj: Kandang Karbouw, Tanj. Bawang, Ketapan, Pawan rivier met bij kaartje Tanj: Sambar of Batoe-Titie, Sg. Aijer-itam kitjil.
English title: Mouth of the river Pawan, Borneo West

Type: Map
Scale: Geo referenced
Location: West Borneo
Dimension: 70 x 29
Color: Blue; Red
Graphics: Ink

Index terms: Batoe Titi; Borneo; Dirxland; Matang; Pawan; Sampit; Tandjoeng Sambat;